Saturday, January 10, 2009


I met with the Cyberknife people at Kennestone hospital in Marietta, Ga. They said I could do standard radiation for the rib but it would take 5 weeks and probably would not work. Or I could do Cyberknife, High dose radiation in three sessions and it probably would work and is often as good as surgery.

I had the rib treated around Thanksgiving. Minimal side effects...nausea and some vomiting. A month later, just this past week right at new years I had the kidney lesion treated....more severe side effects but I survived. During the scans for the kidney treatment the doctor noticed that the rib lesion has shrunk dramatically. So it appears that the radiation is doing some good up to this point.

I am scheduled for scans with Dr. Sosman on March 3rd, 2009. Hopefully we will see some positive results from all this.


Unknown said...

Hey Rick - Glad to see you are responding to the cyberknife. I'm just a little south of you guys (Forsyth GA).

Cheers - Anne

Anonymous said...

Yes it is obvious that Cybeknife has worked and it will work also on your kidney lesion. I wish I could convince you earlier of this method and save you from unnecessary pain but better late than ever...
George Greece

Anonymous said...

Have visited your blog a few times and hope you are doing well.